March 27, 2019

The Sligo Association of Boston hosted its 11th Annual St. Patrick’s Dinner Dance on Sunday, March 3 at Dorchester’s Florian Hall. Guests enjoyed a traditional corned beef and cabbage meal.
The group honored Raymond McVeigh of Dover, Dancing and merriment continued to the music of the Andy Healy Band, and raffle proceeds were donated to support a new center for children for disabilities now under construction in Cork.
The association extended special thanks to Jim Brett, Andy Healy and band, Florian Hall, Heavey-Quinn Academy of Irish Dance, the Burke Distribting Company and Irish American Whiskey for supporting the event. The 13th annual Sligo golf tournament will be played on June 7, 2019 at Brookmeadow CC, Canton; call 617-293-4069 for more info.