October 16, 2020

Join the Eire Society of Boston on Saturday, October 24, 2020 to honor the 2020 Gold Medal Award Recipient Richard E. Neal, US Representative of the First Congressional District of Massachusetts, and Chairman of the House of Ways and Means Committee. Chairman Neal is head of the Congressional Friends of Ireland Committee and an indispensable friend of Ireland and Irish America. 5:00 – 6:00 p.m. EST Virtual Cocktail Hour (via Zoom Meetings) Registration Link https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYtfuiqqT0oE9XDQc0_Q_JqZApxZ0Q1o7vR
6:00 – 7:00 p.m. EST Virtual Ceremony (via Zoom Webinar) Registration Link https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_JtTS8xd2Q4OhOU4xTrCbVw
Note: You will need to register for both sessions separately. Dress is COVID Classy Due to the ongoing pandemic the event is free to attend with a recommended $25.00 per person donation. To make an individual donation in support of the Gold Medal Reception using PayPal, please go to our website http://www.eiresociety.org/events/gold-medal/ or send a check to: 83 Indian Pipe Lane Concord, MA 01742 ATTN: ESB Gold Medal Reception. We appreciate your support! Businesses and individuals may sponsor the Gold Medal Award Ceremony and will receive recognition during the program. For more information, contact Gold Medal Dinner Committee Members: William J. Smith (617) 852-8732 or WJSBoston@gmail.com or call Paul Doyle at (781) 331-5188. |