September 5, 2023

The following message was published on Facebook on Sept. 5, 2023
My Dearest Celtic Sojourn Family,
I write with a difficult announcement regarding our live productions of A Celtic Sojourn. As many of you know, I have been battling terminal brain cancer, and have had to make some tough decisions. We will be pausing A Celtic Sojourn, Live shows—both Christmas and St. Patrick’s Day—until further notice.
I hope you understand that this is the right decision for me and my family at this time. The Rockport Celtic Festival will continue to take place, and we remain open to the possibility of revisiting our Christmas and St. Patrick’s Day shows in the future, with as many of the same team members in place as possible. We are working on a “best-of” film to celebrate 20 years of performances, which we hope to share with you later this year.
For the past two decades, this journey has been a magical tapestry of music, dance, and storytelling, woven together with the threads of our shared love for Celtic traditions and culture. From our first performance at the Somerville Theatre, where so many of you weathered a blizzard to attend, to our tour across New England last year, which nearly 16,000 of you attended, we’ve cherished every performance; and you.
It has been a joy to work with so many wonderfully creative people over the years, uniting musicians from various traditions in celebration of the holidays and our shared humanity. Together, we traveled back through time, rediscovering ancient traditions, celebrating with carols, and experiencing the warmth of Celtic hospitality.
Our gatherings were not merely concerts but a coming together of kindred spirits, a community bonded by a love for our shared heritage. Over the years, I have been profoundly moved by the passion and enthusiasm you have brought to each show, filling the theaters with laughter, cheers, and the occasional tear. Your unwavering support has been the beacon that guided us through challenges and triumphs alike. As evidence of that compassion, our good friends at Club Passim have started the Brian O’Donovan Legacy Fund to honor the many contributions we've all made to our Boston Celtic Music community. If you'd like to donate or share the link - please click here.
And so, as we approach the end of this chapter, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you. Your involvement in and support of A Celtic Sojourn has been a constant source of inspiration and strength, and I thank you for it. You have been more than an audience; you have been my companions, my confidants, and my friends, and you each hold a special place in my heart.
May the echoes of our music continue to resonate in your hearts, and may the warmth of our shared experiences keep you company through life’s journey.
With deepest gratitude and love,
Brian O’Donovan
Host of A Celtic Sojourn