December 6, 2023

Two Tickets to Ireland- Aoife Griffin (center) won a pair of seats from Delta Air Lines at the Boston Irish Honors luncheon on Oct 27. Pictured are: Maureen Forry-Sorrell, BostonIrish Associate Pubisher, and Charlie Schewe, Director - Sales, Delta Air Lines
By Maureen Forry-Sorrell
Boston Irish Associate Publisher Maureen Forry-Sorrell made the following remarks at the 13th annual Boston Irish Honors luncheon on Oct. 27.
Good afternoon friends and thank you for joining us today. I hope you all enjoyed your meals.
It is truly an honor to be in the presence of so many who share a deep connection to the Emerald Isle, whether through heritage, love for Irish arts, or an appreciation for the enduring spirit of the Irish people.
In this vibrant city of Boston, the Irish heritage has not only survived but also thrived. Our shared history, traditions, and the enduring sense of community are the reasons why we come together today.
Before we proceed any further, I would like to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to the incredible musicians who have graced us with their exceptional talents today. The music we have heard, the melodies that have filled this space, are a testament to the rich cultural heritage of Ireland that has been passed down through generations, and it’s one that these musicians have shared with us so generously. Please join me in giving these remarkable performers, Sean Smith and Cliodhna Field, a well-deserved round of applause.
Tourism Ireland’s impact goes well beyond tourism. It fosters connections between nations, promotes cultural exchange, and supports communities. It's a testament to the power of shared experiences, to the idea that by immersing ourselves in the wonders of another culture, we can better understand, appreciate, and connect with one another.
My husband Aaron and I were delighted to bring our children, Nate and Lianna, to Ireland last year. Lianna is a person with several disabilities. I was delighted to write about our travels as a disability family, which you can read on our website at Boston Irish Travelability.
Traveling with a disabled child can indeed be a challenging and nerve-wracking experience, but the unwavering hospitality of the Irish people, combined with the information and support provided by Tourism Ireland, made our trip an incredible adventure. It's not just the stunning sites and experiences that we remember but also the sense of belonging, the warmth of the people we encountered, and the feeling that Ireland had opened its arms to us.
To Tourism Ireland - thank you for being a steadfast and treasured friend of Boston Irish!
And thanks to the generous support of Delta Air Lines, we have the incredible opportunity today to give away two air tickets to Ireland. However, there's an important detail to remember: You must be present to win. So, make sure you stay with us until the very end, as we'll be drawing the lucky winners from among our enthusiastic attendees.
This is a fantastic opportunity, and we extend our sincere appreciation to Delta Air Lines for making this possible. So, stay tuned, and enjoy the rest of our program. Good luck to all and thank you for being here with us today."