February 19, 2020

Club member Bill Smith is pictured at the Irish Social Club in West Roxbury
The shuttering of historical mainstay pub and restaurant Doyle’s in at Forest Hills was a tough pill for many Bostonians to swallow. The setting for many an election victory party over the past 137 years, Doyle’s had become a beloved part of the Boston political landscape.
So, there’s some good news for those lamenting the loss of the venerable location:
the original wooden bar backsplash and mirror, which for years graced the function room at Doyle's- all original wood from the 19th century when storied restaurant first opened- was purchased by Richard Gormley, President of the Irish Social Club in West Roxbury, who installed the structure in the Irish Social Club in West Roxbury.
“There is a plaque up there that says ‘In Memory of John Fitzgerald Kennedy’- Honey Fitz- which was dedicated in 1988 by his grandson, Senator Edward M. Kennedy. He dedicated it and it's a big mirror with fancy woodwork from the 1880’s when Doyle’s was built.”
Gormley says he also purchased some tables and chairs from the owner of Doyle’s as well.
Gormley plans to rededicate the structure in its new home on March 14, at the Annual County Roscommon Association St Patrick’s Banquet. He proudly tells BostonIrish that the rededication will be performed by Congressman Joseph Kennedy, great-great Grandson of Honey Fitz. Tickets for the Roscommon Banquet can be reserved in advance only by calling (617) 327-7777.
If you can’t make it to the banquet on March 14, the Irish Social Club will be throwing a huge St. Patrick’s Day Breakfast and daylong celebration on March 17 featuring Irish dancing and music by the Fenian Sons and the BostonPolice Gaelic Column (among others). Admission to the St. Patrick’s Day event will be $25.
The Irish Social Club is located at 119 Park St. in West Roxbury, and more information about events can be found at https://