What will my church do to confront the continuing scandal associated with the sexual abuse of children? In an effort to avoid scandal, church leaders were complicit in efforts to cover up not only serious crimes but also grievous sins.
Concerned more... Read more
I had the pleasure of hearing Globe columnist and author James Carroll at a BC High lecture recently. The former Paulist priest's latest book is Practicing Catholic in which he explores the history and development of the institutional church and his... Read more
Following are excerpts from a letter exchange between Edward M. Kennedy and Pope Benedict XVI in the weeks before Kennedy’s death:
"Most Holy Father, I asked President Obama to personally hand deliver this letter to you. As a man of deep... Read more
At the time of Sputnik - first space orbit - the cosmonaut hailed as a hero by many blatantly observed that in his travels, he did not find "heaven." It would seem that technology proved that heaven was a myth. Some discussion took place. However, this... Read more